Monday, May 23, 2016

Polar Graphs

A common thing to learn after polar coordinates is how to graph them to make various graphs such as rose curves, limaçons, circles, and lemniscates. A good way to get comfortable with graphing polar functions is to use a table and plot points the connect the points to form a graph.

Here is the graph of:

You can check the graph by using your graphing utility to graph the equation and see if it matches. Another way to confirm the graph is correct is by changing the equations to parametric mode. The graph of  in parametric form is   and  because the graph of a polar equation  can be changed into parametric form  and .

The graph of  is traced out twice, meaning that the graph is symmetrical to the line
. You can also have symmetry with respect to the polar axis and the pole by replacing the coordinates by either adding a negative or subtracting or adding . You can also use symmetry to sketch a graph.

The following is using symmetry to sketch the graph 

By replacing  with  you find out that the graph is symmetric with respect to the polar axis because cosine is an even function.

Here is the graph of 

This graph is called a limaçon because of it's shape. Polar graphs can also be rose curves, circles, and lemniscates.

The graph of  is a rose curve as shown in the figure below:

The graph of   is a lemniscate as shown in the figure below:

The graph of  is a circle as shown in the figure below:

You can analyze these graphs by finding the zeros, maximum values, and symmetry.

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