Monday, June 6, 2016

12.4: Limits approaching infinity
Evaluating the limit of a function as it approaches infinity is really finding what the end behavior of that function is. To address end behavior, you will want to use something you already know, horizontal asymptotes. As an  gets closer to a   and , some functions reach a limit which is their horizontal asymptote can get arbitrarily close to the horizontal asymptote, but can never touch it. Let's look at an example.


To find the limit of the function, you need to look at the terms that will always be the largest on both the numerator and the denominator. If you were to plug in a very large number for , which term would be the largest? In this case it would be  and . Since no matter which very large number you plug in for , it will always be substantially larger for  and  than it would be for  and . you can discount the other terms when evaluating the limit at .

  is what you want to look at to evaluate the limit as . Now plug in the largest number you can think of for  and you will see that the function simplifies to become  .

Function with higher power in the denominator:

The limit is  because as  the function gets smaller and smaller and begins to approach , making  the horizontal asymptote, and the limit of the function.

Function with higher power in the numerator:

The limit as  for this function does not exist because as  the numerator will always be larger, meaning  can expand without limits.

Important to remember:
This is true for all functions that are not piecewise defined functions or inverse tangent functions, because both of those kinds of functions have different end behaviors.

Graphical representation of the limits (in order):

Other helpful sources:

Saturday, June 4, 2016

12.3 The Tangent Line Problem

Slope is the rate at which a line rises or falls, but how do we determine the slope for a curve?

Since curves have different rates of rising or falling, different points on the curve have different slopes. 

You can determine the slope of a point on a curve by creating a tangent to that point.

A tangent is a line that intersects at only one point.

You can find the tangent line by one of two ways: Approximation or Using the Derivative.

Finding the Tangent line by Approximation can be helpful but it is not accurate, it's just to get an estimate.

For Approximation you choose a point on the curve and estimate the slope by using the point and the point next to it to estimate the rate of change y/x to get the slope. then with the slope you use point slope form (Y-Y1=M(X-X1) then simplify into the standard Y=MX+B to get the formula of the tangent line.

The other, actually accurate way of finding the tangent line is by using the Derivative.

First you must find the difference quotient ((f(x+h)-f(x))/h) of the function of the curve 
from the difference quotient you can determine the Derivative(denoted as ) 

since the limit is of h going to 0, you substitute 0 in for every h in the simplified formula. 
Next, you plug in the x value for the selected point into the Derivative which will give you the slope at that point on the curve. 
Finally, use point slope form (Y-Y1=M(X-X1) then simplify into the standard Y=MX+B to get the formula of the tangent line.

For example: Find the tangent of the equation  at the point (2,4)

Find the difference quotient  

Find the Derivative by substituting in 0 for h for the limit 

substitute in the x value of the point into the Derivative to find the slope at the point (2,4)

 use point slope form then simplify into standard to find the equation of the tangent